What is your availability?

Appointments are generally scheduled Monday-Thursday, 8 AM- 4 PM CST via telehealth–video or phone. I do not offer in-person appointments. Your first appointment must be video. Telehealth, as well as the type of telehealth: video or phone will be based on the appropriateness of the situation and the client’s requests or needs.

What ages do you work with?

I only work with adults ages 18 & up.

What if I don’t live in the state or country where you are licensed?

If you are interested in therapy but do not reside in the states of Alabama, North Carolina, or Florida or you live outside of the US, you may contact me and I will look to see what the regulations are where you live regarding the provision of therapy by an out of state or out of country provider. Alternatively, I am a Certified Life Coach and offer non-mental health life coaching which does not currently have state/country regulation/licensure requirements.

Do you take insurance?

*I am in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and will file claims to Blue Cross on your behalf.  Due to the recently increasing high number of claim denials, and extensive preauthorization requirements that are now required by some plans, all other plans will need to be paid for out of pocket first, and I will give you an invoice for you to turn in to your insurance company to be reimbursed directly.* Benefits vary depending on the coverage of your policy. Benefits are not guaranteed by your insurance company and there are some exclusions your particular policy/insurer may have. For instance, telehealth may not be covered by your plan, your plan may exclude coverage for seeing a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, you may have a deductible to meet or your mental health policy is contracted out with an entity that I am not in-network with.  Feel free to contact me for more specific questions about this.

What are your specialties?

My specialties include but are not limited to PTSD/trauma, adjustment/transitional stress, grief/loss, anxiety/depression, and women’s issues. Click here for more information about my specialties. In addition to being a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional, and Certified Life Coach. Although I am only providing counseling and coaching to individuals at this time, I do have extensive experience and training in working with relational issues and such issues can still be integrated through individual counseling and coaching. Please note: I do not offer ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Consultations.

What is your approach or method to counseling/therapy?

Click here for more information on my approach.

What are my responsibilities as a client?

It is crucial that you are engaged and invested in the therapeutic process. While therapy can be a validating and uplifting experience, it can also be a challenging and uncomfortable one as well. Keeping appointments, following through with suggestions, and being open and willing to work on your thoughts and interactions that are impeding your journey or keeping you stuck is essential to reaching your desired destination. Telehealth appointments will require additional measures of identity verification and letting me know where you are located during our session. More information about telehealth guidelines will be outlined in the informed consent paperwork.

Do you offer telehealth/virtual therapy?

To improve access to mental health care and focus on more specific issues, I have shifted my practice to an exclusively virtual/online/telehealth format through the use of phone or video.

I am licensed in the states of North Carolina and Alabama and a Registered Out of State Telehealth Provider for the state of Florida. Teletherapy services can only be provided to those whose appointments will be carried out in those US states or in countries that do not regulate out-of-country counselors/therapists providing services to their citizens. As a Certified Life Coach, I am able to offer non-mental health coaching services nationally and internationally.

Telehealth/virtual/online/teletherapy is not suitable for every case, especially those cases in which there is severe and persistent mental illness or crises that may have a potential for dangerousness or harmfulness. Feel free to contact me for further questions about telehealth/teletherapy or life coaching.

Do you offer Life Coaching?

YES! I have recently added life coaching as a service option. I am a Certified Life Coach and Master’s level trained therapist who receives regular training in systems theory and post-modern methods that are solution and goal-oriented. My training allows me to work with you as a life coach to help you meet non-mental health-related specific and/or time-sensitive interpersonal goals. Empowerment in the areas of pursuing travel, adventure, getting out of your comfort zone, making big life decisions, exploring holistic alternatives to mind/body/spiritual wellness, developing and trusting your intuition, dream exploration, and identifying and pursuing life/career goals are among my life coaching specialties.

Is therapy confidential?

By law all therapy sessions are confidential and anything you discuss with me will remain confidential unless you sign a release giving permission to share certain information with certain people or other providers.  There are unique considerations related to couple/family/minor counseling that are discussed further in the consent forms. 

However, by law, therapists have a duty to IMMEDIATELY report to appropriate authorities in the below circumstances: 

  • Suspicion of abuse or neglect of child(ren), disabled person(s), or elder(s).
  • Threats or concerns of harm to self or others or if information is disclosed to me about someone who is threatening harm to self or others.
How do I get started?

You may use the contact form to send me an email or you may use the client portal to register as a new client and request an individual appointment for yourself. Do not use the booking link to request appointments as a couple or a family, for your child(ren), or for other people.